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Ethics Statement

  • Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

    For all parties involved in the act of publishing (the author, the journal editor(s), the peer reviewer and the publisher) it is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior.


    Publication and authorship

    1) Submissions must be original works, the contributions and its key elements should never been published before;

    2) The data should be true, non-deceptive, and no fudging or plagiarism as well as other academic misconduct action;

    3) Funds information should be indicated in the manuscript; Support or aid for the publication of the work by persons having no author qualifications should be clearly stated in the acknowledgement.


    For Authors

    1) All authors should be contributors to the work; There’s no dispute in the author order, the correspondence author should ensure that publication of the paper be authorized by the other authors; Alteration of the author order before publication should be consented by all authors to ensure the accuracy of all authors’ rights;

    2) Author obliged to participate in peer review process;

    3) All authors should make statement that all data in article are real and authentic; No plagiarism. No fraudulent use of data;

    4) Submission should be permitted to be peer-reviewed according to the requirements of China Surfactant Detergent & Cosmetics (CSDC). Authors should provide initial data when it is needed;

    5) Authors should cite the reproduced content from other sources after acquiring permission. If the work is supported by a fund, its full name should be listed. It is authors’ duty to provide published literatures which have overlap or closed relationship to the submission;

    6) All signature authors should do substantial contributions to the research. All copyright owners should agree to sign copyright transfer agreement: According to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China, all copyright owners should agree the paper can be published in CSDC, and transfer all rights, including copyright, publishing right, network transmission right, translation right and compilation right, to the editorial office of CSDC. The editorial office pays full remuneration and copyright transfer fee to authors within one month. The content of papers does not infringe upon other people’s copyright or any other rights and does not involve state secrets, or all responsibilities should be assumed by the author. Authors should not get the paper published by any other media when it has been published in CSDC;

    7) Authors should permit sharing the paper and research data in proper database or the original publishing source;

    8) Authors should cite the reproduced content from other sources after acquiring permission. If the work is supported by a fund, its full name should be listed. It is authors’ duty to provide published literatures which have overlap or closed relationship to the submission;

    9) Authors should ensure that any studies involving human or animal subjects conform to national (such as Declaration of Helsinki), local, and institutional laws and requirements;

    10) Authors can declare to avoid or recommend reviewers in the manuscript submitting stage;

    11) Authors should notify the journal editor or publisher pro‍mptly if a significant error in their publications is identified.


    For Reviewers

    1) Comments should be objective and fair, definitive opinions on the academic value and whether the paper can meet the publication standards should be given, avoiding ambiguous comments;

    2) Respect for diverse academic views, do not make rude, aggressive comments; Serious scientific misconduct should be feedback to the editorial office faithfully;

    3) Reviews should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited; reviewed articles should be treated confidentially;

    4) If the work or method is not so familiar to make a peer review, please inform the editorial office to make adjustment; For paper with conflicts in interests or having shared benefits, avoidance of peer review is required;

    5) When a peer review invitation is accepted, the review comments should be presented within the planning time; hinders or delays for completion of review should be notified to the editorial office in time.

    6) Giving objective, detailed and clear comments to assist editors in improving the quality of the paper timely.

    7) Being aware of any potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional or other relationships that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest) and to alert the editor without retaining or copying the manuscripts.

    8) Alerting the editor to any published or submitted articles which are substantially similar to that under review.


    For Editors

    1) Act in balanced, objective and fair way to authors, reviewers and editorial board members. Keeping friendly connections with these people;

    2) Modifying, accepting or rejecting submissions depend on suggestions from the reviewers and CSDC recruitment criteria;

    3) Give entire, detailed and clear modifying suggestions or rejecting reasons to authors. Editors have independent right to decide to accept or reject a submission, but they can not only base on the private opinion. Unless finding serious problems, editors should not change the original decision to a manuscript;

    4) Follow the author’s requirement of avoiding specific experts to review the submission, if it is reasonable and available. If the author disagrees with some changes made to the article, editors should give the author response to any complaints;

    5) Publish all the processes (collecting, peer-reviewing, editing and publishing) and the writing template. To answer each question from authors timely and record the answers in the collecting and editing system or related documents;

    6) Put an end to academic misconduct through CNKI sci-tech periodical academic misconduct checking system and Google and protect the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts before publishing;

    7) Collect evidence, investigate and retract submissions which have academic misconduct and control the spread if the paper has been published;

    8) Modify or withdraw the published manuscript when finding faults in it. Then each change should be shown in related PDF files and declared on CSDC website;

    9) Protect and update the private information of authors and develop new reviewers if it is needed.

    10) Maintain and select editorial board members who made contribution and find new authors to improve the journal in addition to inviting high level literature reviews and holding editorial board meetings to get helpful suggestions.


    Publication ethics

    1) CSDC is sponsored and published by China Research Institute of Daily Chemistry Co., Ltd. The requirements for the journal are obeying the academic publishing ethical standards, publishing high quality and up-to-standard manuscripts;

    2)The publishing organization can not intervene in the decision-making power of editors;

    3) Monitoring/safeguarding publishing ethics by editorial board;

    4) Preclude business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards;

    5) Always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

  • 2019-01-10 Visited: 3938